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Annual Management Meeting

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Annual Meeting Management

Looking for a virtual solution for meetings in the new normal?

Annual Meetings Checklist

Aegis Business Solutions Limited is registered with the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago and is obligated to comply with legislation related to the prevention, recognition and reporting of money laundering and terrorism financing.  Accordingly, we are mandated by Part III Section 11 of the Financial Obligations Regulations, 2010 to conduct due diligence on all current and prospective clients.

Managing Your Online Annual Meetings

Looking for a virtual solution for meetings?

We relieve you of the burden of planning and coordinating all aspects of your annual meeting. For some companies, they still refer this to as their annual general meetings (AGMs)

We work with listed companies, Credit Unions, Association and Chambers. We will seamlessly integrate your in-audience and virtual presence whilst ensuring compliance with your regulatory requirements

• Meeting co-ordination and logistic management
• Online election (virtual ballot) services
• Digital marketing and streaming
• Corporate governance advisory services

Online Election Services

Our platform has facilitated over 2000 secure elections.

• Provide a flexible and accessible software interface.
• Ensure each elector is authentic and provide an elector-verified audit trail
• Facilitate online nominations and accommodate overlapping elections.
• Audit and validate your results

Our goal is to provide a solution that aligns with your company’s ethos and meeting objectives.


Streaming Services

Our complete solution will facilitate quick and easy registration, robust interactivity via polling, questions and answers, and discussions.

• Design website’s page layout for the virtual meeting and provide the content necessary to keep stakeholders informed of meeting procedures.
• Collaborate with TTCD in obtaining information necessary for pre-registration and validation of shareholders.
• Live stream meeting to the virtual platform.
• Provide video production services for the annual meeting.
• Coordinate virtual presentation of the annual meeting.
• Provide technical support for stakeholders logged on virtually.

Corporate Governance Advisory Services

We understand the importance for you to honour your fiducial responsibilities. It is our priority to ensure that you maintain compliance with all applicable regulations and legislation.

• Provide guidance on resolutions.
• Advise on the receipt and the treatment of proxies in a virtual environment.
• Recommend any changes to the company’s bye-laws which would be necessary in order to host a virtual or hybrid annual meeting.
• Prepare notices and the agenda for the Annual Meeting.
• Assume the responsibilities as Liaison Officer; as it relates to executing your duties for TTCD, TTSE and TTSEC
• Administer Corporate Secretarial duties on the day of the meeting. This includes attending the meeting, liaising with TTCD, and preparing the minutes.

We are committed to sharing the total experience of your annual meeting with your stakeholders.

For more info:

To book a consultation, email us at info@aegistt.com or call Melissa Cobham at +1 868 625 6473