It is a new year and your company should have its Board dates and the date of its Annual Meeting already scheduled. Our Business Development Manager, Melissa Cobham, shares her top 6 C’s to help you get a head start on hosting a successful Annual Meeting.
- Check
Review your Company’s By-Laws to determine whether virtual meetings are allowed. If not, the By-laws need to be amended to include provisions for convening virtual meetings.
- Confidence
Maintaining trust is critical, the simpler and more accessible the voting platform the greater the chances are for participation. The platform selected should be user-friendly, but secure, and should not compromise the integrity of the meeting.
- Communicate
Consistent and concise messaging is key to keeping your stakeholders informed prior to and during the meeting. This will allow participants to get comfortable with the meeting process and the platform. It will also promote transparency and build trust.
- Connect
Design an agenda and program that not only considers the organisation’s statutory obligations but also engages the stakeholders. The intention is to mirror an in-audience meeting virtually. Be generous with the information shared, use several engagement techniques, for example, slides, videos, pictures, and captions. Create avenues for questions to be addressed and comments to be shared. Also, be considerate to the length of the meeting and, where possible, include short breaks.
- Contingency
The use of technology has its pitfalls, as it relies on other factors, such as the internet and electricity to be seamlessly integrated. To minimize disruptions and, worst-case, a cancelled meeting, it is recommended that all key participants of the meeting be housed at one central location, equipped with internet and electrical redundancies.
- Collaborate
Understanding and accepting your limitations can save you time and money. Planning and managing a virtual or hybrid Annual Meeting takes substantial time and effort, to transform your vision into reality. Partnering with professionals, like Aegis Business Solutions Limited, whose core business is to assist you with all the operations required to execute virtual meetings, will ensure the success of your Meeting.
Learn more about our Annual Meeting services here
If you would like more information about managing an Annual Meeting, please contact Melissa Cobham at