A Work Culture that makes a difference.
Employee retention is a significant indicator of a healthy work culture. This year, Keston James celebrates 5 years of long service at Aegis Business Solutions where he positively contributes to the success of Aegis Payroll Outsourcing division. Keston expresses that this commitment is due to his supportive co-workers and family atmosphere at Aegis.
How do you create this culture?
Keston explained that ‘the social interactions made the difference’. He reminisced about key Aegis traditions like ‘Aegisfest’ and their once-a-month payroll team breakfast that are currently on hold at the moment in light of the stipulated COVID-19 regulations.
For Keston, the saying ‘it’s the traditions that make the family’ rings true. Though these traditional events are missed, Aegis has opted to use this opportunity to create new traditions. One such tradition was the recent, ‘Virtual Christmas Lime” which catered to different engagement preferences. This was done through an assortment of games like a Virtual Carol Themed Bingo, and “Who’s Aegis baby picture is this?” competitions.
Keston explained that because he had a strong relationship with his colleagues prior to the pandemic, transitioning to working from home was easier. So much so, that his department took up the initiative to form their own support group outside of work.
The group, ‘Payroll Pets’, was formed to support new pet-owners from the Payroll department. On this chat, tips are shared and other members are encouraged to adopt a new friend. Together, they hope to have a ‘Covid-friendly puppy lime’. This initiative is a clear indication that the Aegis Family is neither bound by time nor place. Keston described this as one of the main influences for his five-year commitment.
Head of Payroll Outsourcing, Megan Apang shared, “Keston has built tremendous relationships with both his colleagues and clients. He is a team player as demonstrated by his willingness to help out and contribute as required. He is dependable and goes the extra mile when necessary. A true asset to our Aegis family.”
For the future, Keston is confident in the capability of Aegis to survive the pandemic. He encourages all businesses to continue maintaining visibility and to be conscious of employees’ sense of security and belonging.