Our Aegis culture is very important to us. We recognize success requires working as a team and across teams in a fun, caring and respectful environment. Each person is accountable yet all empowered and enjoys an extraordinary degree of independence because freedom stimulates initiative.

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How to deal with Employee Burnout?
What is Employee Burnout & how is it caused? Employee burnout occurs when an employee gets a mixture of feeling dissatisfaction and extreme exhaustion within their job, both on the emotional and physical end of the spectrum. It’s a phenomenon that plagues many...
Three reasons why listed companies should use e-voting at their meeting of shareholders
As the world becomes increasingly digital, many companies are turning to e-voting for their annual meetings of shareholders. E-voting provides numerous benefits for listed companies and is quickly becoming the preferred method for conducting shareholder meetings. Here...
The benefits of e-voting to Credit Unions
E-voting is becoming increasingly popular in many industries, and Credit Unions are no exception. Credit Unions should consider implementing e-voting at their Annual General Meetings (AGMs) for several reasons. Here are five key points that explain why Credit Unions...
IFRS 17 impact on Insurance industry – Insights from ICATT Conference 2022
Last November, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Trinidad and Tobago (ICATT) held its annual conference. We sat with some of our leaders to hear their key takeaways. In this blog, we chat with Malcolm Mackenzie, Aegis’ Financial Analyst who guides our...
Nurturing Future Accountants – Takeaways from ICATT 2022
Aleema Ogeer-Ali, COO and Malcolm Mackenzie, Finance Analyst at Aegis Business Solutions share their insights from ICATT’s Annual International Finance and Accounting Conference held last, November at Hyatt Regency. The theme, ‘Driving Sustainability, Reinforcing...
Green Infrastructure in the Caribbean – What you need to know
Aegis was a sponsor at this year's NGC/IAMovement 'Green Infrastructure in the Caribbean' conference which took place last month at Hilton Trinidad on 25 October. As a business owner, you may be wondering how climate finance can affect your company. After all, climate...
Unravelling the Importance of Fintech: 3 Key Takeaways for Every Business
What happens when you bring together world-class speakers, innovation and financial technology (Fintech) within an ideal Caribbean paradise? You get The Fintech Islands Conference. This 3-day Conference which took place from October 5th to the 7th, assembled Political...
3 Types of Audit Opinions
Aegis Associate Audit team member Carolyn Felmin explains an overview of audit opinions and what they mean for your business Auditors form an opinion as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, and in accordance with the...